My Version: Saski.


My Version chats to Kiwi stars and people of influence to give a glimpse into their time as a teen and see the things they are currently obsessed with!

Say hello to Kiwi singer songwriter Saski.

Obsessed RN.

Currently bingeing:

Season Two of Bridgerton.

Song on repeat:

Scarlett - Holly Humberstone

Favourite Insta account to follow: 


Must have beauty product:

SPF sunscreen! You’ll thank your younger self one day.

The item of clothing I’m definitely over wearing:

Sweatpants, lots of home working from home.

Currently reading:

Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng.

Snacking on:

Celery and peanut butter mm.

Can’t stop watching on TikTok:

Currently on a TikTok break! I love the app but it has not been good for time management recently (oops!).

Dreaming of:

A trip to a tropical island.

Next place on the list to travel to:

I would love love, to travel to Japan!

I’m currently inspired by:

Anyone who’s chasing their dreams.

My favourite way to relax is:

A walk in nature or reading a book in the sun.

I stay healthy by:

Going for an hour bike ride each day. It’s a super chill ride along the river but such a great way to unwind and stay active.

When I was younger…

If I could give my teenage self one bit of advice, what would it be:

It too shall pass!

My favourite part of being a teenager was:

The freedom of seeing friends. Adult life becomes a game of trying to catch up with friends with booked calendars!

My dream job as a teen was:

Working for a fashion magazine in New York.

Best piece of advice I ever received as a teen was:

Go for your dreams.

My biggest fashion faux-pas as a teenager was:

Over-plucking my eyebrows.

My first job was:

Working in a cafe.

My biggest inspiration was:

Too many! But I did love watching Glee episodes. It inspired me to pursue what I loved.

One thing I love about Gen Z is:

Their sense of humour.

Listen to Saski’s new EP, Golden Hours, here.


Fifteen amazing Kiwi songstresses to check out ASAP.


My Version: Jazz Thornton.