My Version: Jacqueline Joe.


My Version chats to Kiwi stars and people of influence to give a glimpse into their time as a teen and see the things they are currently obsessed with!

Say hello to Kiwi actress Jacqueline Joe who plays Caroline in Mystic, a TV series based on New Zealand author Stacy Gregg’s bestselling book series Pony Club Secrets.

Season 3 of Mystic is streaming now on TVNZ+.

Obsessed RN.

Currently bingeing:

Greys Anatomy and A Business Proposal.

Favourite Insta account to follow: 

Honestly any meme account!

Must have beauty product:

Eyeliner 💁🏻‍♀️

The item of clothing I’m definitely over wearing:

My new straight leg jeans - a definite staple!

Currently reading:

The Midnight Library by Matt Haig

Snacking on:

I can’t resist chips and lollies.

Can’t stop watching on TikTok:

Everything! I’m so addicted to TikTok right now. I love watching those videos with Reddit posts that are read out to you with Minecraft videos playing in the background.

Dreaming of:

Working overseas and living in a tiny house!

Next place on the list to travel to:

Canada, Japan, Korea.

I’m currently inspired by:

My friends. They’re all going into the next stages of their lives and absolutely thriving! Lots of new jobs, art exhibitions and promotions already!

My favourite way to relax is:

Eating noodles while rewatching a show.

I stay healthy by:

Doing a few different sports; swimming, playing turbo touch and recently I have got into bouldering!

When I was younger…

If I could give my teenage self one bit of advice, it would be:

You’re not too old to start learning a new skill. Even if people in your class are half your age you’re going to be so much better off starting now, rather than starting in 5 years.

My favourite part of being a teenager was:

There’s so much time to hang out with your friends. I could see my friends everyday at school then hang out with them all afternoon.

My dream job as a teen was:

Being an Olympic runner or swimmer, or being an actor. Glad one of them worked out for me!

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Best piece of advice I ever received as a teen was:

If you’re unsure if you should or shouldn’t do something ask yourself; What’s the worst thing that could happen if you did it?

My first job was:

As an actor on a show called Top of the Lake when I was 12. My first part-time job was at St Pierre’s rolling sushi.

My biggest inspiration was:

My dad.

One thing I love about Gen Z is:

How unafraid they are to fight for what they want. To speak up and let people know what they think is right.


My Version: HUNJIYA.


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