Sportlight: Circus Arts.

Billie wants to shine the β€˜sportlight’ on the incredible sportswomen - of all levels and disciplines - that we have around Aotearoa.

We hope that by sharing the love these amazing wahine have for their sports, you might be able to discover a love for them yourself.

This week we chat to The Circus star, Kiarnna Weber.

How did you get involved in your sport? 

I was pretty much born into it. For my whole life I’ve been surround by circus related things. It was a pretty natural thing for me, and I really love performing and challenging myself so I’m always keen to keep working at my craft! 

How many years have you been involved?

I’ve been performing on stage since I was 6 years old! Before then I kind of just did it for fun, as you do when you’re 5 and under, but ever since I started performing I just fell in love with the feeling – and I’ve never looked back!

What made you want to keep pursuing it? 

The fact that I genuinely enjoy it and I’m surrounded by amazing people who motivate me to keep pursuing it. But Circus is also just in my blood – so it was never not going to be what I do! 

How accessible is the sport in New Zealand? 

There are actually Circus schools here in NZ – in Auckland and Christchurch! We also hold auditions all the time for new performers, so keep an eye on our Instagram.

What kind of equipment is needed to play? 

You can start with literally just a hula hoop and take it all the way to an entire circus! The cool thing about a circus is that it’s so diverse with a variety of different tools and focus areas. So there’s bound to be something in there for you. 

What’s the most enjoyable part for you?

I love performing in front of a sell out crowd and feeling the energy from the audience. It really makes me feel like my hard work has paid off!

What is the community like in your sport?

Circus is a really strong and close community as we are on the road together for months on end.  You really do become like family, and you really have to trust each other an insane amount – because as you will see in season 3, your life could literally be in someone else’s hands! 

What kind of skills do you learn (i.e ball handling, flexibility)?  

We are all elite athletes so its strength, flexibility, endurance, and balance. The whole 9 yards! You really need to learn them all to ensure you are at your peak  capability and you are safe while performing. 

What’s the hardest part of your sport?

Leading up to a performance, your head really can’t be anywhere else. We have long days of rehearsals and training straight into 3 shows on a Saturday  - loooooong days and late nights.

What has been your greatest achievement?

I feel so lucky to be able to do what I love every day and call it my job. And to do it with my family really is the cherry on top!

How do you think your sport helps you gain important life skills? 

Since I started from such a young age and have been surrounded by it my whole life – I learnt really valuable skills such as commitment, dedication, trust, understanding and communication which has really helped me while growing up. We also get to work all around the world, so experience many different cultures which is the most amazing and eye opening thing to experience. 

How would you like to see your sport evolve? 

I would love to set an example for people to come that circus has everlasting potential. It’s entertaining, challenging and diverse!  I also really hope in the future to see the sport to continue to expand all around Aotearoa so a wider range of people have access to it.

Who is your biggest inspiration in your sport? 

My dad! He really holds the family together. I mean – it can’t be easy when your whole family is literally flipping and tripping around the world – but he keeps his cool. He also builds a lot of our set which makes the whole experience that much more special. 

What goals do you have for your next sporting season?   

We are taking the show to Sydney which will be amazing! We have loved being overseas – which you will see more of in season 3 - and we cannot wait to keep experiencing the world through our sport.

Why should young girls get involved in this sport?  

It’s a great way to see the country and the world and be looked after by the circus family – being on stage gives you incredible confidence in life too. As mentioned before as well – it teaches you amazing life skills from an early age!

If someone was interested in trying your sport out, how should they go about it?

Give it a go! It’s never too late and there’s always a space for you. 

Describe your sport in three words. 

Challenging, rewarding and fun!

Season 3 of The Circus premiered on Bravo New Zealand on Friday, April 14th with new episodes airing every Friday at 7:30pm NZST.


From Struggles to Strength: overcoming an eating disorder. 


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