Sportlight: Snowboarding.
Photo credit: Andrew Cornaga /
Billie wants to shine the ‘sportlight’ on the incredible sportswomen - of all levels and disciplines - that we have around Aotearoa.
We hope that by sharing the love these amazing wahine have for their sports, you might be able to discover a love for them yourself.
This week we chat to 21-year-old snowboarding pro, Cool Wakushima.
How did you get involved in snowboarding?
I got into the sport through my mum and my older brother. I followed in their footsteps and their passion!
How many years have you been involved?
I started snowboarding at young age just following around my brother and riding with the family on the weekends, after watching the Winter Games 2018 and watching the Junior World Champs up at Cardona live, also in 2018, I was inspired to get into more of the competitive side of snowboarding! It just took me little longer than others to realise what I truly wanted to do. Started training with the crew at Cardona in 2019….
What made you want to keep pursuing it?
I had the best season in 2019, the year I started training. I learned how fun it can be! The people and the crew I had around me. In 2018 I watched Zoi (Sadowski-Synnott) compete in the Olympics and that got me excited to get into the competitive side of the sport. I love the progression of snowboarding. 2019 was a game changer. I had a coach I could listen to, get ideas and someone to help sharpen my skills.
How accessible is snowboarding in New Zealand?
You must be in a location with snow, in a resort to do what we can do. Christchurch, Queenstown, or Wanaka or up north all have snow. It is not the most accessible sport in the world, but you must move to be in its environment. A lot of families move to have the accessibly to the parks to train and have it in your daily life. Cardrona is the best park in NZ.
What kind of costs are involved in taking part?
Ohhhh A LOT! I have no idea, but I know it is a lot. It is something you must put in a lot of effort into and think through to accommodate.
What kind of equipment is needed to take part?
You got to keep warm hahah. Inner and outer layers are important. Honestly, all you need is a helmet and snowboard, and you are good to go!
What’s the most enjoyable part for you?
I feel like landing a new trick! The process of learning is what I love about snowboarding. You won’t get it first time. It usually takes steps. The satisfaction you get when you land a trick is indescribable. The community, where you make great friends and connections, it’s like a family. Everyone pushing each other and everyone having the best time. Even when you are not laying a trick, it’s the best fun.
What is the community like in snowboarding?
The community down in Wanaka and Queenstown, everyone is out to have fun and push each other further. There is a big community and a tighter family at the core who are encouraging each other to be the best. What a positive vibe. The best thing is having fun and being creative and seeing what everyone bring something different to the table.
What kind of skills do you learn (i.e balance, flexibility)?
As an athlete, you do a lot of strength and conditioning. We can prevent injuries, but a lot of gym work is needed to keep the body in great nick, physically. This is so important, so we are able to take hits, take impacts and get back up after them!
What’s the hardest part?
Injuries haha. It keeps us off snow and all I want to do is be snowboarding. It takes a little part of me away when I am injured. Snowboarding is my heartbeat.
What has been your greatest achievement?
Ooooo, umm becoming a Red Bull athlete was crazy. I grew up watching Red Bull athletes and being able to share that moment and be part of this amazing brand has been amazing!
How do you think snowboarding helps you gain important life skills?
It has taught me a lot while going through injuries. I have learned a lot about myself. What my strengths and weaknesses are as an individual. It is all positive stuff and 100% is helping to shape me into a better athlete for the future.
How would you like to see your sport evolve?
Oooo, It's evolving right now! On the girl’s side, the progression in the last few years has been crazy. The things we do now, no one thought we could do it and here we are now, right on track. It would be great to see more girls in the parks or just in general giving snowboarding a crack!
Who is your biggest inspiration in your sport?
My mum! She just does what she wants to do. She loves snowboarding more than I do. When I’m on the hill, she is on the hill. She is not watching me at all, she is doing her own thing. When she puts her mind on one thing, she will keep on doing it till she gets it! Inspirational!
What goals do you have for your next sporting season?
To stay healthy is my number one priority, to be on snow and lock tricks down I can perform in competitions and get some results in!
Why should young girls get involved in snowboarding?
We do have awesome talents and up in coming girls in New Zealand but compared to the boys we don’t have as many girls involved in the sport. It can be quite intimidating, but I hope all the girls know they are always welcome in the park! We love to see it! It will be so good to see a bigger community of girls in the freestyle scene:))
If someone was interested in trying snowboarding, how should they go about it?
I feel like everyone has their own time frame and for me, I started quite late! I personally don’t think it matters. There is no right or wrong way to get involved in the sport. It will usually feel right when you come to it. If you love the sport, it’ll naturally fall in place!
Describe your sport in three words.
Adrenalin! Stoked and Cold hahah!