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Feeling bleh?

Do something productive!

Listen, we get it. Things are hard right now. But that’s okay! 

As much as I don’t want to pull the “when I was your age” card, there just weren’t that many things to worry about when I was 16. My biggest concern was how the HECK I was going to wait for the next Twilight movie to come out (don’t @ me, I promise you it was cool), and we certainly weren’t worried about #freebritney. 

This pandemic isn’t fair, and the challenging conversations everywhere are exhausting. Maybe it’s the live shows you were looking forward to after falling in love with local artists like Benee or Paige, or maybe it was your best mate’s birthday party that got cancelled because of lockdown restrictions - but don’t worry, that perfect outfit you’d picked out will see the light one day! 

You might have heard of “languishing”, which basically is a long word that caught on earlier this year to explain that we’re all collectively feeling a bit bleh. There’s nothing wrong with you for feeling a bit bleh my sis, and the best thing that you can do is acknowledge you’re feeling bleh, sit with that feeling for a little bit (Why are you feeling this way? What does this feel like? Put a tag on it, acknowledge this feeling!), and then kick it’s ass. 

By rechannelling that feeling into something productive, crafty or fun, not only might you find yourself distracted from what triggered your bleh feelings, but at the end you’ll come away with something that you can look at and be proud of.

Here’s a few ideas from Billie that screams self-care, just without the facemasks and crying lol:

Start a journal!

Writing down how you’re feeling can help you figure out patterns that may be triggering your bleh mood, and even if you don’t find that moment of clarity, writing it all down really helps.

Clean yo damn room! 

Sorry to sound like your Mum, but heeeeeeeck a fresh clean space feels nice. Think about that time where you had a random burst of energy and rearranged your room, you felt pretty sweet afterwards right?

Noise-cancelling headphones + movement.

Sorry to be that guy, but movement and fresh air will make you feel better. Put in your headphones, blast our Billie Spotify playlist (a perfect combo of the familiar, classic and new), and explore your local park. Even better if there are lil duckies, man I love ducks.