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My Version: Manae Feleu

My Version chats to people of influence to give a glimpse into their time as a teen and see the things they are currently obsessed with!

Say hello to rugby union player Manae Feleu. Hailing from the small island nation of Wallis and Futuna, Manae went to high school in New Zealand before relocating to France for university.

Manae has been in NZ as a member of the French team at the 2021 Rugby World Cup. She admits that knowing the tournament was being held in the country where she completed high school, made a bunch of lifelong friends, and learnt to speak English, motivated her to earn her spot. Billie managed to steal her away from the field for a quick chat.

Game Stats

How I got into the game:

I started out playing for fun in Wallis and Futuna because my Dad was the coach. My older brother had played rugby for a while, and got my younger sister into it too, so it was only natural that I give it a go.

My position:

Lock or flanker.

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How playing rugby during my time in New Zealand prepared me for where I am now:

NZ rugby definitely taught me a lot. Kiwi girls play lots of rugby and are more technical with skills such as passing. NZ’s approach to sport in general inspired me. Here people constantly look for solutions on how to improve, teach players mental preparation, and have really positive mindsets. Kiwis are always optimistic, even during times when they don’t play their best.

Three words that describe what rugby means to me:

Friends, enjoyment, work.

Obsessed RN.

Song on repeat:

Tagimouncia by K. K. U.

Currently reading:

Straight Up by Ruby Tui.

Snacking on:

Tim Tams.

Can’t stop watching on TikTok:

Food recipes.

Next place on the list to travel to:

Home (Futuna Island).

I’m currently inspired by:

The kids from Ko Taku Reo that I had the pleasure of meeting thanks to Deaf Aotearoa.

My favourite way to relax is:

By immersing myself in nature and spending time with friends and family.

I stay healthy by:

Doing things I love such as rugby, surrounding myself with great people, working hard, and treating myself when needed.

When I was younger…

If I could give my teenage self one bit of advice, what would it be:

That it’s not always easy. Even when things aren’t happening the way you want, when things are too hard, or everything seems difficult - continue working hard towards your goals. With hard work you will achieve your goals and find your passions.

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Best piece of advice I ever received as a teen was:

Don’t try to grow up too fast, everyone grows at their own pace in life.

My favourite part of being a teenager was:

Having no adult responsibilities and being carefree.

My biggest inspiration was:


One thing I love about Gen Z is:

How open-minded we are becoming compared to older generations.