My Version: Rachel Leo.


My Version chats to Kiwi stars and people of influence to give a glimpse into their time as a teen and see the things they are currently obsessed with!

Say hello to Kiwi popstar, Rachel Leo.

Obsessed RN.

Currently bingeing:

Just finished my Heartbreak High binge and loved it!

Song on repeat:

Karma by Taylor Swift, I just think the lyrics are so clever and when you’ve followed her career for a while it’s so satisfying to pick apart the easter eggs and metaphors.

Favourite Insta account to follow: 

Kiwi choreographer Todd Williamson (@todd_williamson) who is working with artists like Ciara, Rita Ora and Lorde while giving our dancers an international platform. He’s absolutely killing it and I love the energy in his videos!

Must have beauty product:

Hmm, it’s got to be the Too Faced: Better Than Sex mascara. Worth the splurge for sure!

The item of clothing I’m definitely over wearing:

My black blazer - goes with everything! Loving the casual-corporate trend floating around and hoping it’s here to stay.

Currently reading:

Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind. The “Brief History” part of the title must be sarcasm because it somehow manages to compact more than I learned in my anthropology, sociology and psychology papers at uni into one book. Such a fascinating but easy read!

Snacking on:

I’m always snacking on carrots. Growing up with pet rabbits, my parents joked that I must be one myself.

Can’t stop watching on TikTok:

@theoshakes - He is literally the most entertaining person on this app and somehow manages to pull off accurate impressions of every person ever.

Dreaming of:

Early Jan at my parents' bach. This time of the year is crazy so I can’t wait to slow down and spend a few days at the beach doing absolutely nothing.

Next place on the list to travel to:

Probably a few years off, but I’ve always wanted to do the whole Europe shebang! In the meantime, I’m planning to spend some more time in Australia and work with some producers over there.

I’m currently inspired by:

Friends doing cool things! When people see others taking up space and celebrating their talents, they are given permission to do the same. Seeing my friends becoming authors, photographers, poets, dancers and musicians keeps me inspired. I’m loving this wave of self love and self promotion that TikTok has stirred up. Do your thang!

My favourite way to relax is:

Watching a mind-numbing rom-com. The more predictable the plot is, the better.

I stay healthy by:

Listening to my body and giving it what it needs. I try to maintain boundaries to protect my physical energy so I have the capacity to do what I want to do. Health really is wealth and I learnt that the hard way after experiencing burn out.

When I was younger…

If I could give my teenage self one bit of advice, what would it be:

Just have fun! Enjoy figuring out who you are and don’t hold onto things too tightly. It’s natural and healthy to outgrow and change up your opinions, interests and friends, so just embrace the fluidity and freedom that comes with that.

My dream job as a teen was:

To be an artist. Teenage Rachel would be ecstatic if she could see what we are up to now!

Best piece of advice I ever received as a teen was:

Just enjoy the age you are at because you’ll never be it again.

My favourite part of being a teenager is:

I honestly had the BEST teenage years, there was never a dull moment! My favourite part about being a teenager was that you’re in the sweet spot where you have autonomy but also a million options. The stage where your best friend gets her license and takes you on McDonalds drive through runs is unmatched.

My first job was:

I worked as a brand ambassador for a bunch of different brands, so much fun getting to chat and connect with people all day!

My biggest inspiration was:

Zara Larsson. I had followed her journey since I came across a video of her competing in Sweden’s Got Talent at 10 years old. She had so much confidence and since we are close in age, I feel like I grew up with her and watched her evolve into the popstar she is today. 

One thing I love about Gen Z is:

We are compassionate and have such a heart for justice. Gen-Z’rs get a lot of slack about being too precious about things, but I personally feel so much pride in belonging to a generation that’s making the world a kinder and safer place.

Listen to Rachel’s new single Last Call and check her out on Instagram.


#Influenced: Finding Alexx


Five A+ female teen friendships streaming right now.