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My Version: Goodnight My Darling.

My Version chats to Kiwi stars and people of influence to give a glimpse into their time as a teen and see the things they are currently obsessed with!

Say hello to Kiwi singer/songwriter Maxine Macaulay aka Goodnight My Darling.

Obsessed RN.

Currently bingeing:

I just finished watching the latest season of Stranger Things, & all of Friends for the millionth time :)

Song on repeat:

‘My Boy’ - Marlon Williams, super feel good, lovvvve it.

Favourite Insta account to follow: 

@kboook - her photography is out of this world beautiful.

Must have beauty product:

Wiki Skin Invigorate Body Oil :):) perfect for dry winter arms, legs, all over.

The item of clothing I’m definitely over wearing:

My Widdess Silk Asa top, in black & goes with everything.

Currently reading:

‘Women Who Run With The Wolves’ - Clarissa Pinkola Estes. So much wisdom.

Snacking on:

Celery with crunchy Fix & Fogg PB, chipotle & a little himalayan salt haha.

Can’t stop watching on TikTok:

Kids Say The Funniest Things Barrymore.

Dreaming of:

When I can swim in the ocean again, comfortably ;)

Next place on the list to travel to:

Back to Berlin!

I’m currently inspired by:

The creative community of Te Whanganui-a-Tara. So many talented artists, musicians & people doing awesome things here.

My favourite way to relax is:

Write, sing, play, read, cuddle.

I stay healthy by:

Following that intuition. Sometimes it's mediations, therapy, exercise & other times it’s B-grade movies, fries & beer. A bit of everything. Overall I think staying connected with people/community is the most important thing for health. Relationships.

When I was younger…

If I could give my teenage self one bit of advice, what would it be:

CHILL OUT. But I probably wouldn’t have & that’s okay. It’s a tricky time. 

My favourite part of being a teenager was:

All the firsts. First kiss, love, drunken funny nights, car, adventures with friends. It was all pretty exciting.

My dream job as a teen was:

To be an actor or a musician.

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Best piece of advice I ever received as a teen was:

Predictable but ‘to not care what others think of me’ .

My biggest fashion faux-pas as a teenager was:

I had super super thin eyebrows & am lucky they grew back.

My first job was:

I worked for IDEA Services & it was amazing.

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My biggest inspiration was:

My friends.

One thing I love about Gen Z is:

Their openness & warmth. I notice at gigs how genuinely kind Gen-Z are.

Check out Maxine and her new single, The Carriage, at