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#Influenced: Ilona Maher.

Social media plays a huge role in the day-to-day of Gen Z. It’s important that we interact with content that lifts us up, and leaves us feeling inspired following a good scrolling session. #Influenced is a series of chats with social media content creators who not only bless our feeds with über cool content, but also make an effort to spread positive messages.

First up, Billie gets a sneak peek into the life of rugby sevens star turned TikToker Ilona Maher.

How did you get started making content on social media? 

I started in 2020 by posting a TikTok and after seeing the reach it received, I started putting out a little more every day. The response was great. It was really just me showing myself and my personality. I like to say I am always unapologetically myself. 

What does your average day look like?
I am a professional athlete with the USA rugby sevens team so I usually have two field training sessions a day and then a gym session. Throughout my day I am thinking of and creating content.

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From your personal point-of-view, why do you think people follow you?

I think people notice and enjoy that I am genuinely being myself, that I’m not pretending or forcing an image that is not my own. It is refreshing to see a very unfiltered social media account. 

You are currently here in New Zealand to work with the Rugby World Cup, what have you been up to in this role so far? 

I have been creating content around Auckland for a show called ‘Near and Far with Ilona Maher’. I’ve been meeting people in the stadium and getting to know women’s rugby fans, as well as trying to get more eyes on the Rugby World Cup.

In NZ, rugby dominates sporting conversation. What is it like being from a country where rugby isn’t a particularly dominant sport, and sharing rugby-related content? 

It is super cool to expose more people to rugby through social media and hopefully get more people to try it out. I also feel very honored to play a sport that not many know about in the United States. It’s like my own cool little secret.

What are your tips for making engaging content? 

  1. Be yourself

  2. Keep it short and sweet

  3. Make it relatable

What are three characteristics or features that almost all of your content must have?

  1. Authenticity

  2. Humour

  3. Relatability

What do you hope to achieve with your content? 

I hope to get more eyes on rugby, while helping my own brand grow. Ultimately, I want to give girls and women the confidence to appreciate their body and be themselves. 

Which social media platform is your favourite to use and why? 

TikTok because you can truly be yourself on the platform and it isn’t filtered.

How do you balance being active online and being present in everyday life? 

It is a very hard balance because TikTok is now my job and I am constantly searching for new content, while also trying to enjoy the present. Putting my phone away is key. When I’m with friends or family, I try to stay off it and focus on them.

What have you enjoyed most during your time in New Zealand? 

The experiences I’ve had have been so cool. I’ve loved jumping off the Sky Tower, walking around Eden Park, and spending the day with Kiwi actress Kim Crossman.

Follow Ilona Maher on Instagram (@ilonamaher) and TikTok (@ilonamaher).